Greenville Jazz


Greenville Jazz is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 filled with dedicated musicians with the goal of preserving and promoting jazz culture.

Greenville Jazz is a community-driven initiative aimed at preserving and promoting jazz culture in Upstate South Carolina. Its purpose is to foster a sense of unity and connection within the community through a shared appreciation for jazz music.

Greenville is a vibrant and diverse community with a rich history of jazz heritage. The collective is committed to preserving this heritage while embracing innovation and creativity in its programming and initiatives. With a focus on education and outreach, Greenville Jazz engages with individuals of all ages and backgrounds, inspiring the next generation of jazz musicians and enthusiasts. The visual identity of Greenville Jazz is designed to reflect the dynamic and inclusive nature of jazz culture.

In addition to the visual identity, comprehensive project briefs and brand guidelines have been developed to ensure consistency and coherence in the implementation of Greenville Jazz’s initiatives.

  • Brand System, Pitch Deck, Brand Guidelines

  • Research, Project Brief, Visual Identity System, Pitch Presentation, Brand Guide, User Experience

  • Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Keynote, Figma

This is a hypothetical project for a branding course. It was not pitched to Greenville Jazz. All images and content are subject to copyright.


Click the arrows for animated process.


Fable Book Club

